Saturday, 16 November 2013

Welcome to our Blog!!

 I was thinking... Why not to create a blog where all  students, parents and teachers of "our school"
could see what is going on in our class?? So I am creating this blog so I can post and share with you some of the things that happen in our class, I also intend to give you more information and provide you with some interesting links that could help you to get more information and practice for your learning.
Please, feel free to comment and remember: "Sharing is Fun!!

And to start sharing I want to leave you this song by Jason Mraz that makes me feel optimistic :)


  1. Me parece un blog muy positivo, y me gusta mucho el hecho de mezclar materias, inglés, conocimiento del medio, plástica....
    Me gusta también mucho el título, y el color de fondo.
    Y entré en este artículo porque la canción me encanta y al tener la letra la podemos cantar juntos, ¿no lo he dicho no? Mi hijo está en quinto de primaria, así que opino más como madre que como profe....

  2. Thank you for make us smile and think positively :) Really nice blog.

  3. Hello Rocio i like so much this song and today wen yo play in te class i was singing and i dont know the song is the first time i listen i y like so much thenks
    firmado:Claudia b.

  4. I´am Celia living in the moment now it is my favorite song i liked so much

  5. thanks for show me rocio

    Celia plaza

  6. it s very funny of patax and the living in the moment thanks a lot ¡

  7. I am Irene.Is veatifull.

  8. Hello Rocio , I like to much Living in the moment...............Claudia V.

  9. Hello Rocío i like this song,but... Next time you play a song can you play other???
    For example :I'm yours,Locked out of heaven (Bruno Mars) ;-)
    Diego G.

  10. Hello Rocio. You can put Rolling in the deep by Adeel ? I like to much this blog¡¡¡¡


  11. Hola rocio ya nos hemos hecho mayores y ya estamos en sexto,
    muchas felicidades a todos

  12. Why you don`t put more things I go every day looking new things ,but is always the same .
