Thursday, 30 October 2014


As promissed, here you have some Halloween videos and songs for the weekend!


Tuesday, 6 May 2014


  1. What is the bird called? This bird is called Puffin, in Spanish Frailecillo.
  2. What does it look like? It has got short wings and a short tail. It is black and white with orange beak and feet. 
  3. How big is it? It is 32 cm. long, with 53 cm. wingspan, it weights around 380 g.
  4. Where does it live? It usually live near cold seas and oceans such as Alaska, Canada or British Islands.
  5. What does it live on? It lives on fish and zooplankton.
  6. Are there lots of these birds or only a few? Although they are hunted for eggs, meat and feathers, there are still quite a lot. 
  7. Is there anything unusual about it? When they fish under the water they look as if they were flying in the water.

Source: Wikipedia


As you know I have asked you to choose a bird and describe it, here you have the questions that will help you to describe it!

  1. What is the bird called?
  2. What does it look like?
  3. How big is it?
  4. Where does it live?
  5. What does it live on?
  6. Are there lots of these birds or only a few?
  7. Is there anything unusual about it?
  8. Picture
  9. Add any info you like.

Deadline: May 9th.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014


Hello there!!!

Although I gave you the intructions on paper, I also leave them here just in case. Please do not hesitate if you have any doubts about it!!!


Imagine that you and your family are planning to go on holiday soon. Choose one city, town or village in Spain and answer the following questions:

  1. What’s the name of the place you are visiting? What Autonomous Community is it?
  2. How far is it from Madrid? (you can use google maps)
  3. What mode of transport are you going to use to get there?
  4. What mountain ranges will you see along the way to this place? (see unit 8)
  5. What rivers? (see unit 10)
  6. What’s the climate in this area? (see unit 9) What clothes will you need?
  7. What kind of vegetation can you find according to the climate?
  8. Describe the relief of the area: is it in the plateau? Is it a coastal place? Is there a river, lake, reservoir...? Is it montainous?
  9. Add any information you want.

DEADLINE: March 14th 2014

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Hello there!

Here I leave you a very interesting link to study geography! In this web page you will find different maps where you will have to find different relief features of Spain. I hope you enjoy it!!!!

To Edurne :)

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Forces and Movement!

Here I leave a link to a blog that gives us information about simple machines.  Apart from that, you can find some games and songs. I hope you enjoy!